I am Emmanuel Kipyegon Rono.

I am human, or at least I think I am. What really defines someone as human?   Well that is a question for another day.

"Most people go through their lives thinking they know what exactly their future hold for them, they got the fantasy of what world is, but sometimes you going through your day and bang there is an explosion and everything you know is gone. Make you, you wish you think differently."


Name: Emmanuel Kipyegon Rono

Profile: Machine learning, Web & Android Developer

Email: kipyegonronome@gmail.com

Phone: +254769584497


Java 85%
Javascript 82%
Python 80%
Matlab 70%
PHP 75%
React 80%
About me

I'am a goal oriented, determined and ambitious man with a passion for Data Science. Big Data is my other passion. I've working on several projects on the field of Machine learning for over 2 years now.

I graduated as a Computer Science student from Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in December 2024 and I am happy to be part of this exciting industry-growing and embracing new learnings along the way.

Watch African View on Gender Video


Whereas African gender policies and programmes have been crafted and implemented to eradicate gender gaps, this paper situates debate on their failure to attain their goal. The paper amply demonstrates that the African worldview continues to be relevant to the success of the implemented gender policies and programs in Africa and concludes that, unless thorough research into the African lifeworld is contacted before crafting and implementation of the gender policies and programs to understand the African psyche, and establish a gender communicative interchange between the African and the Western views on gender, ills of ineffectiveness will continue to be witnessed regardless of how grand the gender projects of the West may be. The paper finds this critical for the sustainability of development efforts in Africa. Insights informing the paper were gleaned from various texts, researches done on African gender policies and programs and the world wide website. The paper recommends a research- informed crafting and implementation of African gender policies and programs.

Jinsia ni jinsi jamii inavyojenga majukumu

Ingawa sera na mipango ya jinsia barani Afrika zimeundwa na kutekelezwa ili kufuta pengo la jinsia, karatasi hii inaweka mjadala kuhusu kushindwa kwao kufikia lengo lao. Karatasi hii inaonyesha kwa kiasi kikubwa kuwa mtazamo wa Kiafrika unaendelea kuwa muhimu kwa mafanikio ya sera na mipango ya jinsia iliyotekelezwa barani Afrika na inahitimisha kwamba, isipokuwa utafiti wa kina kuhusu maisha ya Kiafrika unafanywa kabla ya kuunda na kutekeleza sera na mipango ya jinsia ili kuelewa fikra za Kiafrika, na kuanzisha mawasiliano ya kubadilishana mawazo kuhusu jinsia kati ya mtazamo wa Kiafrika na Magharibi kuhusu jinsia, matatizo ya kutofaulu yataendelea kuonekana bila kujali jinsi miradi mikubwa ya jinsia kutoka Magharibi inavyoweza kuwa. Karatasi hii inaona hili kuwa muhimu kwa endelevu ya jitihada za maendeleo barani Afrika. Uzuri uliojumuishwa katika karatasi hii umetokana na maandishi mbalimbali, utafiti uliofanywa kuhusu sera na mipango ya jinsia barani Afrika na wavuti ya kimataifa. Karatasi hii inapendekeza utafiti unaotokana na taarifa kwa kuunda na kutekeleza sera na mipango ya jinsia barani Afrika.

Iyoktotoi Bororiet Iyondo

Ngandan kikotestai bororiet kotur oratunuek je kerikirindoin kaimutyet ab iyotet, en karatasini kotieme kokon kaimutik jetere tetutionoton. Tetutik jetesendai emet ab Africa koborien ng’oloiot ab iyotet kotokuu kole wendi kosultoi ngot kisib arutunuek jeititoyotin, ak kesip tetutiet nemakat koweni kosultoi tetutionoton en oret ne karan. Ngandan tesetai kong’eme oratunuek joton atepto nepo kiplelajek keyome koporjike kewek atempto nemakat en emet noton nepo Africa komukul. Miten kibakengeisiek jekikejop asi kosulndaen tetutik joton. Kitieme koraa keker kele kakisip tetutik koyop kipng’omutik je tetesendai jikilisiet ne tieme koker kole kaisulnda tetutionoton en oret nenoton. Mwaat kora kole miten tetutik jepo kenet bik konam ge ak tetutionon, konetionoton kotetat kisuldaen en muswoknoton ab kasari kou television ak redioisek, mwoe kipng’omutik kole ngot keboisien orutunuek joton koityin bik jejang’ kanetionoton. Ngot koyojin emotunuek tukul jepo Africa kosuldaen tetutionoton en kipagenge kotoku kole wendi kosulto komabik koimutik alak tukul.

Watch Innovation Video


New Technologies in Computer Science Education

We have presented some new technologies and their impact on computer science education. The benefits of using the different applications will be most evident if they are integrated. The experience in other areas is that, at the beginning, they simply support the current style of working, but they are gradually improved and give rise to new tools and ways of working. The same experience will likely happen in the use of educational technologies, giving rise to a new educational paradigm. With the advent of faster communications and conferencing tools, lectures could be attended remotely, with the same possibilities as if they were attended locally. Furthermore, they could be attended asynchronously, thus giving more flexibility to students. In the future, the frontier between distance and traditional education will become fuzzier. The integration of ubiquitous computing with conferencing tools will allow the automatic integration of all the information sources (lecture material, video and notes taken during the lecture) within the student notes. Thus, the student will devote most of his/her time to study and will waste less time organizing the different sources. As it is becoming usual, a course Web page will exist for any course that will integrate all its information and material. Although there are an increasing number of Web site building tools, the customization of these tools to education, as well as new ones, specific to education, will proliferate in the future. In addition, students will have access to many bibliographical resources thanks to digital libraries and electronic books. Automatic grading and plagiarism detection systems will free the lecturer from the grading task, thus allowing to devote most of this time to prepare programming project statements and support material. They will also allow testing the degree of understanding of some topics during lectures on the fly. We have illustrated the changes that all the agents involved in computer science education will suffer with a scenario of the daily activity of a teacher. The integration of these new technologies seems to be the highway to change drastically the face of computer science education.


Emmanuel Rono

20 March 2024


Teknolojia Mpya katika Elimu ya Sayansi ya Kompyuta


Tumewasilisha baadhi ya teknolojia mpya na athari zake kwenye elimu ya sayansi ya kompyuta. Manufaa ya kutumia programu mbalimbali yataonekana zaidi ikiwa zitaintegrishwa. Uzoefu katika maeneo mengine unaonyesha kwamba, mwanzoni, zinasaidia tu mtindo wa kazi uliopo, lakini zinaimarishwa hatua kwa hatua na kutoa nafasi kwa zana na njia mpya za kufanya kazi. Uzoefu huo huo huenda ukatokea katika matumizi ya teknolojia za elimu, kutoa nafasi kwa mfano mpya wa elimu. Kwa kuzidi kwa mawasiliano haraka na zana za mikutano, mihadhara inaweza kuhudhuriwa kwa mbali, kwa fursa sawa kama vile zingehudhuriwa kwa uwepo wa moja kwa moja. Zaidi ya hayo, zingehudhuriwa bila kufuatana wakati, hivyo kumpa mwanafunzi muda zaidi wa kujifunza. Baadaye, mipaka kati ya elimu ya mbali na ile ya kawaida itakuwa ngumu kufafanua. Kuunganisha kompyuta za kila mahali na zana za mikutano kutawezesha uingizaji moja kwa moja wa vyanzo vyote vya habari (majarida ya mihadhara, video na maelezo yaliyochukuliwa wakati wa mihadhara) ndani ya maelezo ya mwanafunzi. Hivyo, mwanafunzi atatumia sehemu kubwa ya muda wake kusoma na kupunguza muda anaotumia kutengeneza vyanzo mbalimbali. Kama ilivyo kawaida sasa, kutakuwa na ukurasa wa Wavuti kwa kila kozi ambao utaunganisha taarifa yote na vifaa vyake. Ingawa kuna idadi inayoongezeka ya zana za kujenga tovuti, ubinafsishaji wa zana hizi kwa elimu, pamoja na zingine mpya, maalum kwa elimu, utaongezeka sana baadaye. Aidha, wanafunzi watakuwa na ufikiaji wa vyanzo vingi vya kumbukumbu kwa sababu ya maktaba za kidigitali na vitabu vya kielektroniki. Mifumo ya upimaji wa moja kwa moja na kugundua udanganyifu itamwachia mwalimu majukumu ya upimaji, hivyo kumruhusu kutumia sehemu kubwa ya muda wake kuandaa maagizo ya miradi ya programu na vifaa vya msaada. Pia itawezesha kupima kiwango cha uelewa wa masomo fulani wakati wa mihadhara kwa haraka. Tumetoa mifano ya mabadiliko ambayo wadau wote waliohusika katika elimu ya sayansi ya kompyuta watapitia kwa kutumia mfano wa shughuli za kila siku za mwalimu. Kuunganisha teknolojia hizi mpya inaonekana kuwa njia kuu ya kubadilisha kwa kiasi kikubwa uso wa elimu ya sayansi ya kompyuta.


Emmanuel Rono

20 March 2024


Muswoknotet ab Kasari en Somat ab Muswoknotet ab Kopyuta


Kipendi kiororu muswoknotoik je kotoketou en tokyinet nepo kisiptoen somanet ab kosit nepo Muswoknotet ab kasari (Computer Science). Kararanutik jepoi keposien tetutik jeterter en tokyiten ab kiyaktaen tutionoton koboru kole totereti oratuek jikipo keny ijeken. Iboru ng’omnotet neyobu kipsomaminik kole ngandam tetesetai konyono muswonoktetet ak koraronutik jejeng’ en oratunuek jeterter komwaat koraa tinye muswoknoton ng’emitsiet eb sobet ab kipsomaninik missing ko jemiting sukuliseik ab barak, ye mwaat kole kokoyai kipsomaninik joton koik bik jejorirenotin soiti. Mwoe mwalimuek jwak kole nyoru koimutik jejeng’ nia kotienge ng’ete lakok komobwone sukul kosomini, ako ngete koboisien kit an muswoknotet nekikuren ChatGBT koyaen kasisiek jejokikoji en klas. Mwaat kele mokosomoni akot tebutik jekakitepen, rwojin kityok ChatGBT ak kondo tubutik joton koro-oton, kokoji walutik jemoititoyotin. Ingepe karanutik jekikotoret muswonoknotet kobote tetutyitet nepo kikoyai kopit kamuket nepo kenetis en soet, ele inetisie mwalimuek en elimiten koposien kipng’alan batai ak ptongonyit, ye ng’ete kityok lakok kosip mwalimu nenywan en ilemiten ak ijek, ako tinye koraa lakok joton kamuget nepo kotep tebutik en igoraton, kinemak kityok kokojil battonit en kopyutait nenyinet kokekere mwalimu en ilimeten kole miten lakwet netinye tebutiet, ako en yoton komuje mwalimu inoton kokoji lakwanaton boroindo nepo kotet tepuytenyin. Ak manon kityok, miten koraa ile kiyokjin tebutik mwalimu en muswoknoton asikor kong’et kityok lakok koojute yoton ak kowol tebukjoton ak koyokji mwalimu nenyinet, asi kosaisan mwalimu ak koyokyi walutik lakwet aketukul nekayay kasit noton. Imukat koraa konai mwalimu yon kang’et lakok kokeren kei kanyitet ab tebutik joton, ak konai koraa ngot kobosien kipsomaniat ChatGBT konyiten tebutik joton. Ngot kosulda tetutik juton jubo muswoknotet kotoku kole wendi kowoloksei somat ab muswoknotet ab kasari en kaitoseik ji ejen, kisome koraa keboesien tetukik joton en orek ne ititayat asi kimuj kiistoenge kaimutik jeimuj kosib gei ak muswoknoton.


Emmanuel Rono

20 March 2024

Watch Modern Challenges Video

Major challenges facing Africa in the 21st century

Western civilisation and culture began to creep into Africa when foreigners,’-- mainly Europeans -- quest were aimed at imposing imperial ideologies and pilfering African resources. Since then, African scholars argued that this practice continued even after independence in the continent. A number of challenges face the continent in the 21st century. These include colonial legacy; foreign aid; foreign direct investment (FDI); the climate change debate, Africa and the challenge of the MDGs; and cultural diplomacy as a new tool. This paper attempts to make a few provocative remarks on some of the key debates forming these issues. The paper argues that whether the continent is up on its tasks or not, there is lack of visionary leadership on the African side while Europe has been honest about its interests more than a mutually-agreed partnership with the continent.

Changamoto Kubwa Zinazokabili Afrika katika Karne ya 21

Utamaduni na ustaarabu wa Magharibi ulianza kuingia Afrika wakati wageni, hasa Wazungu, walipokuwa wakitafuta kutekeleza ideolojia za ukoloni na kuchukua rasilimali za Kiafrika. Tangu wakati huo, wasomi wa Kiafrika wamehoji kwamba mazoea haya yameendelea hata baada ya uhuru katika bara hilo. Kuna changamoto kadhaa zinazokabili bara hilo katika karne ya 21. Hizi ni pamoja na mizizi ya ukoloni; misaada ya kigeni; uwekezaji wa moja kwa moja kutoka nje (FDI); mjadala wa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa; Afrika na changamoto za Malengo ya Maendeleo Endelevu (MDGs); na diplomasia ya kitamaduni kama chombo kipya. Karatasi hii inajaribu kutoa maoni yenye changamoto kuhusu baadhi ya mjadala muhimu unaounda masuala haya. Ina hoja kwamba iwe bara hilo linatimiza majukumu yake au la, kuna ukosefu wa uongozi wenye maono upande wa Afrika huku Ulaya ikiwa wazi kuhusu maslahi yake zaidi ya ushirikiano uliokubaliana pande mbili na bara hilo.

Web Development

Atepto nepo kiplelajek koki inam koit emenyon bo Africa kong’eten koib katiaknatet ab Africa kiplelajek sasa sasana ko kiplelajek jeyopu komosto nepo Europe. Kong’eten yoton kokikowak atapto nepo Africa, kotienge noton neyome bik kosip atepto noton nepo kiplelajek, akot indandan kikowektakei kiplelajek emenywan. Kotesatai koraa bik kosipi atepto noton nenywan. Ake en koimutik je imei Africa koraa kopoto taretet nepo rabishiek ak amitwokik koyop emotunuek joton jepo kiplelajek. Mwaat kelee motokuu bandaptai netokukonot kosuldaoen toretonon neyopu kiplelajek. Tokuu kole momiten kipakenke en kandoik jepo emotunuek jepo Africa koraa, ako tere noton bandap tai. Nekotang’ete kandoik jepo Africa konamke neunek asikotoretkei kosuldaen tetuk jetoreti emutunuek jwak koba tai, kong’ete ijeket komomoje koyan kou noton, ak kong’ete korwojin toretet nepunuu kiplelajek ijeket. Kijeree ijeket kobakaj terijinosiek jetinyen gei asikimuj kekirinda koimutik joton.

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